1. A fatal heroin addict with myocardial lesion
Supawon Srettabunjong MD, MSc, MTox*
2. Comparing the effects of rehabilitation swallowing therapy vs. neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy among stroke patients with persistent pharyngeal dysphagia a randomized controlled
Wutichai Permsirivanich MD*, Suttipong Tipchatyotin MD*, Manit Wongchai BSc (Occupational Therapy)*, Vitoon Leelamanit MD**, Suwanna Setthawatcharawanich MD***, Pornchai Sathirapanya MD***, Kanitpong Phabphal MD***, Uma Juntawises MSN****, Achara Boonmeeprakob BSc (Nursing)*
3. Correlation of internal organ weight with body weight and length in normal thai adults
Piyanun Mathuramon MD*, Thamrong Chirachariyavej MD, PhD*, AVM Vichan Peonim MD*, Mana Rochanawutanon MD*
4. Factors related to 24-hour perioperative cardiac arrest in geriatric patients in a thai university hospital
Decha Tamdee MSc*, Somrat Charuluxananan MD**, Yodying Punjasawadwong MD***, Chamaiporn Tawichasri MSc***, Oranuch Kyokong MD**, Jayanton Patumanond MD***, Oraluxna Rodanant MD**, Ruenreong Leelanukrom MD**
5. Factors related to intraoperative oxygen desaturation in geriatric patients in a thai university hospital
Decha Tamdee MSc*, Yodying Punjasawadwong MD**, Somrat Charuluxananan MD***, Chamaiporn Tawichasri MSc**, Pin Sriprajittichai MD***, Oranuch Kyokong MD***, Jayanton Patumanond MD**, Pornarun Sirichotvithayakorn MD***
6. Immunonutrition and cytokine response in patients with head injury
Jiraporn Khorana MD*, Kittipan Rerkasem MD, PhD*, Chatchawann Apichartpiyakul PhD**, Choompone Sakonwasun MD**, Wanarak Watcharasakslip MD*, Tanat Waniyapong MD*, Thanya Norasethtada MD*, Kaweesak Jittawatanarak MD*
7. Modification of platelet shape change parameter by modified phospholipids in oxidized ldl
Werasak Sutipornpalangkul PhD, MD*, Supeenun Unchen PhD**, Yupin Sanvarinda PhD**, Udom Chantharaksri PhD**
8. Moraxella catarrhalis pneumonia in an aids patient a case report
Attapon Cheepsattayakorn MD, FRCP, FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Glasg), FACP, FCCP*, Prasit Tharavichitakul MSc**, Sakchai Dettrairat MSc***, Vorasak Sutachai BSc*
9. Myofibrillar myopathy with limb-girdle phenotype in a thai patient
Teerin Liewluck MD*, Jutatip Kintarak MD**, Tumtip Sangruchi MD*, Duygu Selcen MD***, Kongkiat Kulkantrakorn MD****
10. Normal thoracic aortic diameter in thai people by multidetector computed tomography
Juntima Euathrongchit MD*, Pariyanoth Deesuwan MD*, Srun Kuanprasert MD**, Surin Woragitpoopol MD***
11. Perianal block for ambulatory hemorrhoidectomy, an easy technique for general surgeon
Potchavit Aphinives MD*
12. Prediction of perinatal outcomes in patient with pre-eclampsia maternal hyperoxygenation test on fetal doppler flow
Athita Chanthasenanont MD*, Charintip Somprasit MD*, Densak Pongrojpaw MD*
13. Pregnancy and disease outcome in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) a study at srinagarind hospital
Chingching Foocharoen MD*, Ratanavadee Nanagara MD*, Lingling Salang MD**, Siraphop Suwannaroj MD*, Ajanee Mahakkanukrauh MD*
14. Prospective, randomized comparison of castor oil and sodium phosphate preparation for barium enema
Piyaporn Apisarnthanarak MD*, Benjaporn Rotjanaaree MD*, Chulalak Komoltri DrPH**, Aphinya Charoensak MD*, Anucha Apisarnthanarak MD***, Narumol Srisuthapan Hargrove MD*
15. Psychotropic drug prescribing in the family medicine out-patient clinic, ramathibodi hospital
Somjit Prueksaritanond MD, DTM&H, MSc*, Saisunee Tubtimtes BSc, MSc*, Taratip Pumkompol BSc, MSc*, Chakrit Sukying MD**
16. Self-learning experience in transbronchial needle aspiration in diagnosis of intrathoracic lymphadenopathy
Viboon Boonsarngsuk MD*, Atcharaporn Pongtippan MD**
17. Sleep problems in out-patient of primary care unit
Saisunee Tubtimtes MSc*, Chakrit Sukying MD**, Somjit Prueksaritanond MD*
18. The accuracy in using modified friedewald equation to calculate ldl from non-fast triglyceride a pilot study
Wilai Puavilai MD*, Donpichit Laorugpongse MD*, Chaicharn Deerochanawong MD*, Namtip Muthapongthavorn RN**, Pratueng Srilert RN**
19. The surgical outcome of inferior oblique recession on bilateral superior oblique palsy in children
Patcharapim Masaya-anon MD*, Irene Subhangkasen MD*, Juthathip Hiriotappa MD*
20. Transperineal repair of rectourethral fistula surgical technique and a case report
Weerapat Suwanthanma MD*, Wit Viseshsindh MD*, Chakrapan Euanorasetr MD*, Chairat Supsamutchai MD*, Chalila Promtong BNS**
21. Visual electrophysiology in congenital nystagmus with normal fundus
Thammanoon Surachatkumtonekul MD*, Ngamkae Ruangvaravate MD*, Chuenchanok Sriyakul MD*