The purposes of this research are to: analyze factors affecting mobility of the elderly and propose measures for increasing the mobility of the elderly. The sample group included 120 senior citizen living in Bang Sue District, Bangkok who are over 60 years old by using probability sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire analyzed by descriptive statistics, i.e. percentage, mean and inferential statistics, T-Test, and One Way ANOVA. The results of the factor analysis in group 1 factor presented 4 variables: 1) Travel distance 2) Travel time 3) Travel expenses, and 4) Types of Transportation. Moreover, group 2 factor revealed 2 variables: 1) Frequency of travel and 2) Departure time. The results of T-Test and One Way ANOVA showed that the affecting factors were age, career, income, child, ability to drive, driving license, physical condition, travel distance, types of transportation, travel time and travel expenses.
Mobility; Travel; The Elderly
Published by : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Contributions welcome at :
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