The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the essential components for potential development of executives in the automation industry; 2) to create and assess the appropriateness of the aforesaid model; and 3) to produce and evaluate a handbook in relation to investigated potential development. The selected methodologies of this research were a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and focus groups. Focus group participants comprised three representative groups: senior executive officers, entrepreneurs of automation companies and academic personnel in human resource management. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Content analysis was conducted for analyzing qualitative data. As results, essential components and subcomponents to form the potential model can be identified as (1) Work Capabilities, consisting of potentials related to planning, organization management, human resource management, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting; (2) Core competency, which covers knowledge about the laws, accounting and foreign languages required; skills related to business channel expansion and automation proficiency; along with desirable managerial characteristics, i.e. persuasion skills, problem solving skills, stress tolerance in the work environment, together with ethical and moral dispositions. The developed manual consists of practical guidelines for each component, techniques for indicator development, and sample performance indicators. Conformity and content suitability assessment for the model were undertaken by qualified experts. The handbook for guideline development was unanimously approved and it was found to be appropriate with respect to further implementation for potential development of executive personnel working in manufacturing automation.
Model Development; Potential of Executive; Automation Industry
Published by : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Contributions welcome at :
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