This article objective was to present and to explain the origin of agricultural practice which has influenced on “Tham Kwan Khao” ritual. “Tham Kwan Khao” ritual was originated from the belief that rice is protected by a sacred female spirit called “Mae Phosop” or the rice goddess who makes rice abundantly grow. Without a spirit existence, rice would not plentifully flower or flourish. Rice has been having a strong bound with Thai livelihood for long time. Rice is not only staple food and economic crops in Thailand but also significantly
reflects culture, tradition, rituals, and beliefs with its own identities and its fertility meaning. It was found that “Tham Kwan Khao” ritual is significantly considered as a local wisdom to Thai farmers’ livelihood, which soon to be disappeared from Thai society. Due to becoming an important role of the continuous development of the agricultural practice and the new technologies in agricultural sector, the agricultural practice has been more adjusted to the
industia. Direction than it used to be in the past whereas “Tham Kwan Khao” ritual seen as the local wisdom starts to fade upon.
Agriculture, Farmer, Tham Kwan Khao Ritual, Agriculture
Published by : Department of Agriculture Contributions welcome at :
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