1. A phase ii study of docetaxel and carboplatin in thai patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
Sumitra Thongprasert, Sirikul Soorraritchingchai, Busayamas Chewaskulyong, Chaiyut Charoentum, Sutthirak Munprakan
2. A rare case of chylous ascites and chyluria in an adult nephrotic syndrome with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Songkiat Lewsuwan, Talerngsak Kanjanabuch, Yingyos Avihingsanon, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Somchai Eiam-Ong
3. Abnormal kinetics of erythrocyte sodium lithium countertransport in patients with diabetic nephropathy in thailand
Kriengsak Vareesangthip, Weerawat Panthongdee, Chairat Shayakul, Wannee Nitiyanant, Leena Ong-Aj-Yooth
4. Accuracy of using 30-minute post-dialysis bun to determine equilibrated kt-v
Thanit Chirananthavat, Kriang Tungsanga, Somchai Eiam-Ong
5. Adc measurements in various patterns of multiple sclerosis lesions
Warinthorn Phuttharak, Waneerat Galassi, Vallop Laopaiboon, Malinee Laopaiboon, John R Hesselink
6. Alleviation of renal and pulmonary injury by immunomodulation in leptospirosis hamster model
Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Noppadon Sangjun, Wipawee Kittikowit, Duangporn Phulsuksombati, Yingyos Avihingsanon,Talerngsak Kansanabuch, Kriang Tungsanga, Somchai Eiam-Ong,
7. An analysis of 3,555 cases of renal biopsy in thailand
Paisal Parichatikanond, Ratana Chawanasuntorapoj, Chairat Shayakul, Boonyarit Choensuchon, Somkiat Vasuvattakul, Kriengsak Vareesangthip, Thawee Chanchairujira, Suchai Sritippayawan, Attapong Vongwiwatana, Nalinee Premasathian, Kraiwiporn Kiattisunthorn, Ratana Larpkitkachorn, Leena Ongajyooth
8. Anemia and survival in thai hemodialysis patients evidence from national registry data
Udom Krairittichai, Thanom Supaporn, Pote Aimpun, Adisorn Wangsiripaisan, Amnart Chaiprasert, Amporn Sakulsaengprapha, Anutra Chittinandana, Wipa Thanachartwet, Valai Palasawatdhi, Soysaang Srangsomwong,
9. Bedside renal assessment a comparison of various prediction equations in thai healthy adults
Charoen Kaitwatcharachai
10. Citrate attenuates tubulointerstitial fibrosis in 5-6 nephrectomized rats by decreasing transforming growth factor-beta1
Krissanapong Manotham, Somchai Eiam-Ong, Somchit Eiam-Ong, Pongsak Wannakrairot, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Saowaluck Chusil, Kriang Tungsanga
11. Clinical characteristics and histopathological findings in 120 iga nephropathy patients in thailand
Tree Riansuwan, Talerngsak Kanjanabuch, Songkiat Lewsuwan, Somchai Eiam-Ong
12. Clinical manifestations of primary hyperthyroidism in the elderly patients at the out-patient clinic of srinagarind hospital
Panita Limpawattana, Kittisak Sawanyawisuth, Ajanee Mahakkanukrauha, Chaiyasit Wongvipaporn
13. Co-administration of diltiazem and cyclosporine for kidney transplant recipients- a four year follow-up study
Atiporn Ingsathit, Vasant Sumethkul, Panas Chalermsanyakorn, Sophon Jirasiritham
14. Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration in bhumibol adulyadej hospital
Anan Chuasuwan, Pongsathorn Gojaseni, Anutra Chittinandana
15. Differences in socio-economic status, service utilization, and pregnancy outcomes between teenage and adult mothers
Sirikul Isaranurug, Ladda Mo-suwan, Chanpen Choprapawon
16. Dural sinus thrombosis in melioidosis the first case report
Suchada Niyasom, Pasiri Sithinamsuwan, Chesda Udommongkol, Jithanorm Suwantamee,
17. Effect of aloe (aloe vera linn.) on healthy adult volunteers changes in urinary compositionvolunteers changes in urinary composition
Sukachart Kirdpon, Wichit Kirdpon, Wanchai Airarat, Anothai Trevanich, Somsong Nanakorn
18. Effect of diltiazem on the pharmacokinetics of microemulsion cyclosporine a in renal transplantation
Sakarn Bunnag, Kriengsak Vareesangthip,Leena Ong-ajyooth
19. Effect of systematic psychological preparation using visual illustration prior to gastrointestinal endoscopy on the anxiety of both pediatric patients and parents
Pornthawee Riddhiputra, Nuthapong Ukarapol
20. Effectiveness of oral route isosorbide 5-mononitrate on peritoneal solute and fluid transports in capd patients
Talerngsak Kanjanabuch, Somchai Eiam-Ong
21. Efficacy of cellulose triacetate dialyzer and polysulfone synthetic hemofilter for continuous venovenous hemofiltration in acute renal failure
Warangkana Pichaiwong, Asada Leelahavanichkul , Somchai Eiam-ong
22. Efficacy of intradermal hepatitis b vaccination compared to intramuscular vaccination in hemodialysis patients
Thawee Chanchairujira, Narumol Chantaphakul, Thaweesak Thanwandee, Leena Ong-Ajyooth
23. Failure of hepatitis b surface antibody to protect acute fulminating hepatitis in a renal transplant recipient
Abhasnee Sobhonslidsuk, Pattana Sornmayura, Vasant Sumethkul
24. Hepatitis-b virus-associated nephropathies in adults a clinical study in thailand
Suraphan Panomsak, Songkiat Lewsuwan, Somchai Eiam-Ong, Talerngsak Kanjanabuch
25. High prevalence of indinavir-associated renal complications in thai hiv-infected patients
Anchalee Avihingsanon, Yingyos Avihingsanon, Praniti Darnpornprasert, Stephen Kerr, Chaiwat Ungsedhapand, Chris Duncombe, Sasiwimol Ubolyam, Kiat Ruxrungtham, Praphan Phanuphak
26. Hrct of pulmonary tuberculosis mimics malignancy a preliminary report
Orasa Chawalparit, Apinya Charoensak, Nitipatana Chierakul
27. Incontinentia pigmenti achromians of ito an ultrastructural study
Piti Palungwachira, Pranee Palungwachira
28. Integrated criteria of fine-needle aspiration cytology and radiological imaging for verification of breast cancer in nonpalpable lesions
Pichet Sampatanukul, Darunee Boonjunwetwat, Voranuch Thanakit, Patcharajiree Pak-art
29. International stem cell research networking and collaboration
Sorapop Kiatpongsan, Teera Wacharaprechanont, Yuen Tannirandorn, Pramuan Virutamasen
30. Mammographic changes related to different types of hormonal therapies
Saipin Pongsatha, Malai Muttarak, Somsak Chaovisitseree, Suchaya Luewan, Ataporn Panpanit
31. Morality and rural knowledge to globalization
Sukhit Phaosavasdi, Surasak Taneepanichskul, Yuen Tannirandorn, Boonchai Uerpairojkit, Chumsak Pruksapong, Aurchart Kanjanapitak, Vorapong Phupong
32. Mycophenolate mofetil treatment in primary glomerular disease one-year follow-up in steroid dependent and resistant nephrotic syndrome
Adis Tasanarong, Supachai Thitiarchakul
33. Outcome of recurrent and persistent disease of malignant ovarian germ cell tumor a retrospective analysis at king chulalongkorn memorial hospital
Ruangsak Lertkhachonsuk, Tarinee Manchana, Wichai Termrungruanglert, Apichai Vasuratna, Tul Sittisomwong, Pongkasem Worasethsin, Nakarin Sirisabya, Nipon Khemapech, Damrong Tresukosol
34. Persistent hypertension in thai children etiologies and outcome
Achra Sumboonnanonda, Chollamalee Chongcharoensuk, Suroj Supavekin, Anirut Pattaragarn
35. Pharmacokinetic study of the combination of tacrolimus and fluconazole in renal transplant patients
Dusit Lumlertgul, Khajornsakdi Noppakun, Noppamas Rojanasthien, Kittika Kanchanarattanakorn, Suparoek Jittikanont, Amara Manoyot, Derek Bunnachak, Vuddhidej Ophascharoensuk
36. Pioglitazone reduces urinary protein and urinary transforming growth factor-b excretion in patients with type 2 diabetes and overt nephropathy
Pisut Katavetin, Somchai Eiam-Ong, Sompongse Suwanwalaikorn
37. Placental weight and its ratio to birth weight in normal pregnancy at songkhlanagarind hospital
Manop Janthanaphan, Ounjai Kor-anantakul, Alan Geater
38. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in thai adult population
Anutra Chittinandana, Worawon Chailimpamontree, Preecha Chaloeiphap
39. Prevalence of osteoporosis in thai men
Chatlert Pongchaiyakul, Chalermchai Apinyanurag, Supasil Soontrapa, Sugree Soontrapa, Choowong Pongchaiyakul, Tuan V Nguyen, Rajata Rajatanavin
40. Risk factors of first peritonitis episode in thai capd patients
Dhavee Sirivongs, Cholatip Pongskul, Thathsalang Keobounma, Darunee Chunlertrith, Kanokkorn Sritaso, Jeff Johns
41. Runaway youths and correlating factors, study in thailand
Pisarn Techakasem, Varuna Kolkijkovin
42. Selective transcatheter embolization for treatment of post-traumatic hepatic artery and portal vein pseudoaneurysms
Vallop Laopaiboon, Chalida Aphinives, Ake Pugkem, Jureerat Thummaroj, Warinthorn Puttharak, Yamuna Soommart
43. Significance of antiphospholipid antibodies in lupus nephritis
Chindarat Natejumnong, Prajej Ruangkanchanasetr, Pote Aimpun, Thanom Supaporn
44. Study of cyclosporine level at 2 hours after administration in preoperative kidney transplant recipients for prediction of postoperative optimal cyclosporine dose
Narin Sukhavasharin, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Yingyos Avihingsanon, Pawinee Kuoatawintu, Ratchanee O-Charoen, Talerngsak Kansanabuch, Kriang Tungsanga, Somchai Eiam-Ong
45. Survival and technical failure in a large cohort of thai capd patients
Cholatip Pongskul, Dhavee Sirivongs, Thathsalang Keobounma, Darunee Chanlertrith, Punjuksorn Promajuk, Chulaporn Limwatananon
46. Target quantity for twice-a-week hemodialysis the ekr (equivalent renal urea clearance) approach
Krissanapong Manotham, Khajohn Tiranathanagul, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Somchai Eiam-Ong
47. The clinicopathology and outcome of post-infectious glomerulonephritis experience in 36 adults
Nattachai Srisawat, Laor Aroonpoonsub, Songkiat Lewsuwan, Talengsak Kanjanabuch, Yingyos Avihingsanon, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Kraing Tungsanga, Sawaluk Chusil, Somchai Eiam-ong
48. The combination of thrombotic microangiopathy and nodular sclerosis in light chain deposition disease
Talerngsak Kanjanabuch, Rati Bunruang, Nattachai Srisawat, Songkiat Lewsuwan, Vipawee Kittikovit, Somchai Eiam-Ong
49. The effect of angiotensin ii receptor blocker on peritoneal membrane transports in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients
Virasak Jearnsujitwimol, Somchai Eiam-Ong, Talerngsak Kanjanabuch, Arpar Wathanavaha, Pongsak Pansin
50. The effectiveness of on-line hemodiafiltration on beta-2 microglobulin clearance in end stage renal disease
Anchana Panich MD*, Khajohn Tiranathanagul, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Somchai Eiam-Ong
51. The efficacy of single-needle versus double-needle hemodialysis in chronic renal failure
Thananda Trakarnvanich Thanit Chirananthavat , Sunanta Ariyakulnimit, Pakamas Maneerat, Suwanna Chabsuwan
52. The limited protocol mri in diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation
Orasa Chawalparit, Anchalee Churojana, Pipat Chiewvit, Surin Thanapipatsir, Visit Vamvanij, Panida Charnchaowanish
53. The relation of vesicoureteral reflux and renal scarring in childhood urinary tract infection
Suroj Supavekin, Kanittha Kucivilize, Saowalak Hunnangkul, Jiraporn Sriprapaporn, Anirut Pattaragarn, Achra Sumboonnanonda
54. The validity and reliability of the who schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry (scan thai version) mood disorders section
Thawatchai Krisanaprakornkit, Suchat Paholpak, Nawanant Piyavhatkul, Jiraporn Khiewyoo
55. The validity of a new practical quality of life measure in patients on renal replacement therapy
Areewan Cheawchanwattana, Chulaporn Limwattananon, Cynthia Gross MPhil, Supon Limwattananon, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Cholatip Pongskul, Dhavee Sirivongs
56. Three-dimensional frameless stereotactic-guided pedicle screw fixation of the spine early experiences in king chulalongkorn memorial hospital
Chopeow Taecholarn, Peerapong Montriwiwatchai, Thana Tongkon, Surachai Khaoroptham
57. Unplanned intubation during anesthesia review of 31 cases from the thai anesthesia incidents study (thai study)
Waraporn Chau-In,Thitima Chinachoti, Yodying Punjasawadi, Sireeluck Klanarong, Kanok Taratarnkoolwatana
58. Update in pathophysiology and histopathology of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Talerngsak Kanjanabuch, Songkiat Lewsuwan, Chagriya Kitiyakara, Boonyarit Cheunsuchon, Somchai Eiam-Ong