The fractional non-linearity of space-and-time of Estevez-Mansfield-Clarkson
equation, Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equation and modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
reveals the effects on shallow-water waves, optical-fibre waves and electric-circuit waves
respectively. Using the fractional derivative of Jumarie"es Riemann-Liouville and a
combination of Kudryashov method and the process of establishing the answer in finite series,
the procedure is called the transformation of fractional non-linearity of partial differential
equations into the non-linearity of ordinary differential equations. The newly discovered
analytical solutions take the form of exponential functions, which ultimately leads to the
occurrence of physical wave effects. These effects are manifested in kink and periodic waves,
and they are separately depicted by 2-D, 3-D and contour graphs.