

Volume 15, No. 02, Month AUGUST, Year 2021, Pages 198 - 207

Application of a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to select the level of a cyber resilient capability maturity model in digital supply chain systems

Naris Uraipan, Prasong Praneetpolgrang, Tharini Manisri

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Cyber resilient is the ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from cyber attacks. Cyber resilient has emerged over the past few years because traditional cybersecurity measures are no longer enough to protect organizations from the spate of persistent attacks. It helps an organization protect against cyber risks, defend against and limit the severity of attacks, and ensure its continued survival despite an attack. The cyber resilient capability maturity model is a very important element within an effective in digital supply chain. The maturity model has 6 components: identify, protect, detect, respond, recover and continuity which affect the cybersecurity of the organization. To measure the maturity level needs a holistic approach. Therefore, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach which allows both multi-criteria and simultaneous evaluation. Generally, the factors affecting cyber resilient in digital supply chain have non-physical structures. Therefore, the real problem can be represented in a better way by using fuzzy numbers instead of numbers to evaluate these factors. In this study, a fuzzy AHP approach is proposed to determine the cyber resilient capability maturity level in digital supply chain. The proposed method is applied in a real SMEs company. In the application, factors causing are weighted with triangular fuzzy numbers in pairwise comparisons. The result indicate that the weight factors from comparing the relationship of all factors put the importance of identify factors first, followed by protect, detect, respond, recover and continuity respectively.


Analytic Hierarchy Process, Cyber Resilient Capability Maturity Model, Digital Supply Chain


Published by : ECTI Association
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