This study focused on the impact of local Arabica coffee on the level of attention of individual brain waves, and how coffee affects Human EEG Frequency. Local Arabica coffee is adopted in this study as a medium to wake up the Beta wave. The Personal brainwave data is then recorded through EEG equipment and classified. The result showed that local coffee is helping to improve people"es attention level — the study conducted on fifty participants: twenty-five males and twenty-five females aged between twenty to thirty years old. Brainwaves or Electroencephalography are collected twice before and after drinking coffee to compare the effects of Arabica on human brain waves by using NeuroSky mindwave mobile. The paired sample t-test test was employed for comparing two groups of Beta brainwaves experiment. Besides, the k-means algorithm is used to perform data mining on brain waves, and the differential brain wave signal data is clustered and divided into three levels. The experimental results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two paired samples. Therefore, the results confirmed that local Arabica coffee has a direct impact on personal attention.
Electroencephalography (EEG), Statis- tical Analysis, BrainWave Signal Processing, Arabica Coee, Data Mining, Signal Classication