Sugarcane is one of the important economic crops of Thailand and generally used as a raw material for sugar industry. The survey of sugarcane field indicates the changes of sugarcane plants in sugarcane field. Therefore, the observation drone with camera is used for survey sugarcane field in hard-to-reach areas. This research is developed to take and analyze images of sugarcane field covering a wide area that cannot be observed thoroughly. The developed system consists of two parts: front-end part and backend part. The front-end part contains a web application on smartphone for user interface which is used to take the images from drone and show the results of image processing analysis. Data and images are transferred to the back-end part via Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Cloud Storage. The back-end part includes a computational program using MATLAB on server and data storage on Firebase Cloud. HSV and YCbCr color models and also Otsu Thresholding algorithm are used for digital image processing. Then Isgreen script is used for color separation to calculate the percentage of a green color of sugarcane field images. The results are displayed in graph on the web application. These help users or farmers make a decision about the right time for harvesting sugarcane. From the functional test of the web application, it was found that 98.46% of the test was correct. Moreover, based on the image processing test via MATLAB using normal and non-normal data sets (by rotating the images), it was found that the program was able to correctly distinguish 98.89% and 93.85% of the plant species respectively.
Digital Image Processing; Cloud; Drone; Sugarcane Field; Web Application
Published by : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Contributions welcome at :
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