

Volume 43, No. 03, Month JULY, Year 2021, Pages 121 - 131

Spatial-temporal patterns of modis active fire/hotspots in chiang rai, upper northern thailand and the greater mekong subregion countries during 2003-2015

Chidsanuphong Chart-asa

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For the past decade, smoke-haze pollution from forest fires and open burning has been a yearly recurring problem over Chiang Rai and other provinces in Upper Northern Thailand, along with other countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Remote-sensing active fire/ hotspot data are currently used for monitoring the forest fires and open burning in the subregion. This study aimed to extend the current monitoring work by performing spatial and temporal analysis to examine the patterns, either globally or locally, of MODIS active fires/hotspots during the critical smoke-haze pollution periods from January to April in 2003– 2015. Fire radiative power was used as a weight attribute for each active fire/hotspot. Administrative unit maps were used for aggregating data and creating spatial weight matrices. Results indicated that for all the years over the investigated period and based on detected locations, active fires/hotspots were overall clustered spatially across provincial, interprovincial, and international scales.Etc...


Spatial; Temporal; Pattern; MODIS; Fire; Hotspot


Published by : Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University
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