

Volume 43, No. 03, Month JULY, Year 2021, Pages 92 - 106

Spatiotemporal flood risk determination and management for a large river basin

Nuanchan Singkran

Abstract Download PDF

The Chao Phraya River Basin (CPRB) of Thailand faces flooding almost every year. The severest flood occurred in the CPRB in 2011 with the highest property damage costs (46.5 billion USD) and the highest casualty (813 deaths). The objectives of this study were thus to (1) determine flood risk indices and categorize them into four risk zones (low, moderate, high, and very high) across 994 sub-districts in the CPRB during the six rainy months (May– October); and (2) propose specific measures for flood risk management for each of the categorized risk zones. The flood risk indices were assessed as the product of two hazard variables (flood levels and monthly cumulative precipitation) and the vulnerability variable (land uses). The findings revealed spatiotemporal variations in flood risk. Spatially, the subdistricts deemed to be in the high or very high flood risk zone were mainly located close to the Chao Phraya River (CPR), where the flood levels reached 1.1 – 4 m in depth; whereas the subdistricts detected in the low or moderate flood risk zone were located further away from the CPR. Etc...


Chao Phraya River; Emergency response; Flood risk; Mitigation; Recovery; Thailand


Published by : Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University
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