Acacia crassicarpa is widely planted in timber plantations for pulp and paper
industry. However, A. crassicarpa is relatively susceptible to diseases. To control diseases and
promote the growth of A. crassicarpa, one of the efforts is utilized rhizobacteria or is known as
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The biological activity of 27 isolates from the
rhizosphere of A. crassicarpa was explored the ability of isolates to produce siderophores,
hydrogen cyanide (HCN), indole acetic acid (IAA), and antagonism assays. The ability of
isolates to produce siderophores and HCN was determined qualitatively by inoculation of the
isolates on iron-free chrome azurol S agar and King’s B medium, respectively. IAA production
was estimated colorimetrically by culturing the isolate on nutrient broth containing Ltryptophan as a precursor. The characteristic of the isolates capable of producing IAA is the
color change of the culture after the addition of Salkowski’s reagent. Antagonisms assay on
pathogens that cause leaf blight and wilt were performed by using a cross-streaking method and
dual culture method, respectively. ETC...
Acacia, HCN, IAA, Rhizobacteria, Siderophores
Published by : Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA) Contributions welcome at :
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