Determining the factors that influence farmers’ adoption of IPM is critical to a
successful sustainable pest management program. This study was conducted to determine the
constraints and motivations in IPM adoption, involving 112 farmer participants of a Two-year
IPM Training program (Years 2018 to 2019) in Southern Philippines. Of the 40 adopted
technologies, ten were affected by training attendance. Most of the adopted technologies
belonged to the bottom tier of the IPM Pyramid, which are the abiotic actions such as crop
rotation, adopted by 42 to 85% of the participants. Training completers had higher level of
adoption, from moderate to very high, than absentees whose adoption were mostly from low to
moderate. Learners of IPM-based pesticide use also adopted IPM technology at a higher level
than non-learners. Motivations, such as increases farm productivity and income, highly
influenced training attendance. Constraints influenced the level of adoption. Lack of time and
capital were common constraints among the various adopters, from low to very high adopter
types. Low to high adopters also indicated laziness as a constraint in IPM adoption. Thus, these
constraints and motivations are important factors to consider in designing IPM training
programs to encourage attendance to training and, eventually, adoption of IPM technologies.
Adoption constraint, Adoption motivation, Integrated pest management, Technology adoption
Published by : Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA) Contributions welcome at :
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