

Volume 14, No. 03, Month SEPTEMBER, Year 2021, Pages 124 - 135

Life cycle assessment of high pressure-cooked smoked milkfish production: a case study in semarang, indonesia

Novie Susanto, Heru Prastawa, Nora V. Sembiring, and M. Mujiya Ulkhaq

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This research aims to assess and measure the environmental impacts of high pressurecooked smoked milkfi sh (HPCSM) production. Although the literature about measuring the environmental impact is abundant, research about this topic implemented in a HPCSM production remains limited. The assessment was performed using the life cycle assessment (LCA), which is considered as a holistic assessment since it regards the entire life cycle of products from cradle to grave. To make a contribution, the LCA was supplemented with the eco-effi ciency index to assess the aff ordability and sustainability status of the business. To exhibit the methods, a case study has been carried out in Semarang, Indonesia, where the centre of HPCSM production is located. Forty enterprises (thirty-one small-, eight medium-, and one large-scale) were assessed. Results showed that the production process has several environmental impacts, such as climate change, photochemical oxidant formation, acidifi cation, fi ne dust, eutrophication, ecotoxicity (fresh water), human toxicity, metals depletion, waste, and water stress indicator. etc...


Eco-effi ciency index; Life cycle assessment; Water scarcity; High pressure-cooked smoked milkfi sh.


Published by : Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment
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