The expansion of the world fl eet has increased consequently discharge of oily sewage and
garbage, which has become a threat to the marine ecology environment. Qianhe Terminal
for Oily Wastewater and Garbage (Qianhe) was the fi rst professional terminal to receive and
dispose of oily sewage and garbage from ships in Ningbo-Zhoushan Port which was the largest
port in the world. However, this terminal bankrupted after only two years of operation. In this
study, the Interpretative Structural Model (ISM) is used to investigate why the bankruptcy of
Qianhe happened as it was and fi nd out the causes from diff erent perspectives. The ISM-based
model analyzed the interrelationships among those causes and their positions in the structural
hierarchy from high- to low-level. The contributions provide lessons learning from the
bankruptcy for ecology environment economy and off er managerial insight for the port policy.
Port environment; Interpretative Structural Model (ISM); Bankruptcy; Policy
Published by : Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment Contributions welcome at :
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