Background and objectives: The anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction (ACLR) patient care effects
on patient recovery. Nowadays, there are several
guidelines for ACLR patients. This study evaluated the
validity of the ACLR manual of Srinagarind Hospital;
hence, the care is in the same direction.
Methods: The validity and suitability of knowledge,
language and pictures were evaluated by the
professionals and medical personnel. The index of
item objective congruence (IOC) of each topics was
reported. The IOC ≥ 0.8 meant that data was
according to the objective. The manual was adjusted
and analyzed again until all IOC was ≥ 0.8.
Results: The validity that evaluated by eight
professionals, the IOC of the picture in ACL knowledge,
preoperative care, second phase of rehabilitation, and
knowledge in fifth phase of rehabilitation were equal
to 0.375, 0.75, 0.75, and 0.75 respectively. The
suitability that evaluated by 30 medical personnel,
the IOC of the picture in the ACL knowledge section,
was equal to 0.367. The IOC of all sections after
adjusting was ≥ 0.8.
Conclusion: The ACLR patient care manual of
Srinagarind Hospital was accurate and suitable for
ACLR patients.