Background and Objective: Human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) is a cause of acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome. Hematological abnormalities are
common manifestations in persons with HIV infection.
HIV infection can occur during pregnancy and may be
affected on the screening for hemoglobin E (Hb E) by
false positives or false negatives. In this study, we
aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Hb E
screening using KKU-DCIP test in HIV positive subjects.
Methods: Two hundred subjects of HIV infected
patients and healthy donors were enrolled to this
study. Hb E screening using KKU-DCIP test and allele
specific-PCR for Hb E gene confirmation were
performed in all samples.
Results: The result in HIV infected patients showed
that the false positive, sensitivity, specificity, positive
predictive value and negative predictive value using
KKU-DCIP test were 22.58%, 100%, 96.0%, 77.4%, and
100%, respectively. In non-HIV infected group, false
positive rate of Hb E screening using KKU-DCIP test was 28.13. All of sample, false negative was not
detected. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive
value and negative predictive value were calculated,
the results were 100%, 94.9%, 71.9% and 100%,
Conclusion: The results indicate that KKU-DCIP test
still has effectiveness for screening of Hb E in HIV
infected patients.