

Volume 35, No. 06, Month NOVEMBER, Year 2020, Pages 753 - 759

Survival rate of oral cancer patients after diagnosis in buriram hospital, buriram province

Sarawoot Nontasila, Supot Kamsa-ard, Raksak Amphaiphan, Natalie Rose Noisuwan, Thida Ratanawilaisak

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Background and Objective: Oral cancer (OC) is one of the head and neck cancers. Nowadays, the OC trended to be increased, and there was no study about the survival rate of OC patients in Buriram province. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the survival rate of OC after diagnosis in Buriram hospital, Buriram province. Methods: Data of patients with OC were retrieved from the Buriram hospital-based cancer registry. OC is an International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd edition; C00 – C06. Patients with OC who were histologically proved and admitted to the Buriram Hospital (2014-2018) and followed up until 2019 of 339 cases. Survival rate were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. We reported by median survival time and 95% confidence interval. Comparison group of survival rate were estimated by Log-rank test. Result: Of 339 OC patients which follow-up time was 444 person-year, and died during the study were 261 cases, corresponding to mortality (Case-fatality) rate of 59.0 per 100 person-year. (95% CI; 52.1 - 66.6). The median survival of OC was 0.83 years (95% CI; 0.70 - 0.96). The overall survival experience of 1, 3 and 5 years were 43.9% (95% CI; 38.5 - 49.1), 25.0 % (95% CI; 20.2 - 30.0), and 14.8 % (95% CI; 10.0 - 20.4), respectively. Conclusion: The 5-years survival rate of OC after diagnosis at Buriram hospital was low. Therefore, primary and secondary prevention are needed. Screening program for early detection are required for improving the survival rate. Including the factors affecting to OC need to be focus.


Oral cancer Survival rate Cancer registry


Published by : Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
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