Background and Objective: Imatinib is a standard
treatment of unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal
stromal tumors (GISTs). In Thailand, the prevalence
and effect of treatment in unresectable or
metastatic GISTs who receiving imatinib are limited.
This study was to assess efficacy and safety of imatinib
in patients with unresectable or metastatic GISTs
Methods: The retrospective study collected data from
medical records and electronic databases of unresectable
or metastatic GISTs. Inclusion criteria were
aged ≥18 years old with diagnosed unresectable or
metastatic GISTs who received imatinib 400 mg/day
as first-line treatment and performance status (ECOG)
0 – 2. Patients with no data for evaluation of efficacy
or safety, pregnancy/lactation and terminally ill were
excluded. Endpoints were efficacy evaluation included
progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS),
response rate (RR) and safety evaluation.
Results: A total of 21 patients, but 1 patient is unable
to analyze efficacy outcomes due to receiving less than 3 months of imatinib. Efficacy showed PFS 6.4
years (95% CI 3.0-9.8), OS 8.2 years (95% CI 4.0-12.3).
20% patients attained a partial response, 25% patients
revealed a stable disease and 55% patients had a
progressive disease. Hematologic toxicities were anemia
(86%), neutropenia (38%), thrombocytopenia
(29%). The most common non-hematologic toxicities
were eyelid edema (71%), edema (43%), weight gain
(43%), nausea/vomiting (38%), increasing liver function
(33%). In addition, serious adverse events were deep
vein thrombosis (5%) and 1 patient admitted with
plural effusion and then lost follow up.
Conclusions: Unresectable or metastatic GISTs receiving
imatinib at 400 mg/day had PFS 6.4 years, OS 8.2
years, and RR 20%. The most common adverse event
were anemia and eyelid edema and the serious adverse
event was plural effusion.