It is now generally accepted that vitamin D
deficiency is a health problem that affects not only
musculoskeletal health but also a wide range of
physical and mental disorders that include
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, various cancers and
nervous system problem leading to mental health
problem. Vitamin D deficiency or low level are
associated with schizophrenia, depression,
Alzheimer’s disease and among others. Risk factors
for vitamin D deficiency include lacking of adequate
sun exposure , living in northern latitude areas,
habitual indoor activities, darker skin, obesity, old age
, postpartum women, newborn. Unbelievably that
45.2 percent of Thai people have low level of vitamin
D. Vitamin D plays an important role in the prevention
of various mental health problems especially
depression. Globally, more than 300 million people
of all ages suffer from depression. More women are
affected by depression than men. Depression is the
most common cause of depression is generally
considered to be complex. An increasing number of
studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is
associated with the occurrence of depression. In this
review has collected and criticized the importance of
vitamin D, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency
especially in the Thai population. And the relationship
between vitamin D deficiency and depression. The
administration of vitamin D to supplement the
treatment of depression is discussed. Hopefully, this
article will be useful for health promotion.
Vitamin D, sunlight, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D insufficiency, depression, vitamin D and depression, vitamin D supplements