Background and Objectives: Self-measured blood
pressure (SMBP) should be advised by health
professionals for hypertensive patients. However,
there is no study of level of knowledge of family
physicians (FPs). This study aimed to explore the
level of knowledge of SMBP among FPs and its associated
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was
conducted in FPs whose names appear in the 2017
registry of the Royal College of Family Physicians of
Thailand. A self-administered questionnaire was
utilized. Descriptive statistics and chi-squared test
were used for data analysis. The level of knowledge
is classified into three levels: high (score 80% and
above) moderate (score 60%-79.99%), and low (score
less than 60%).
Results: Of 172 FPs who participated, 59.3% were
female, and age between 30-39 years old was 56.98%.
Only 38.95% of FPs advised on SMBP regularly. The
majority of participants (79.07%) have a low level of
knowledge on SMBP. There is no statistically significant
relationship between the level of knowledge and
these factors include gender, age, years after MD, work
settings, training for treatment of hypertension, and
frequency of advice SMBP.
Conclusion: Most FPs have a low level of knowledge
on SMBP, and there is not any factor in this study was
associated with physicians’ level of knowledge
self-measured blood pressure (SMBP), level of knowledge, family physicians