

Volume 36, No. 01, Month JANUARY, Year 2021, Pages 97 - 104

Association of self-care behaviors and beliefs about diabetes with glycemic control of type 2 diabetic patients in a multiethnicity area, nakae district, nakhonphanom province

Sasiwan Khanthacha, Benja Muktabhant

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Background and objectives: Self-care behavior and health beliefs may affect blood sugar control of type 2 diabetes. This study aimed to examine the relationship of self-care behaviors and beliefs about diabetes with the level of HbA1c of type 2 diabetic patients. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 290 type 2 diabetic patients living in Nakae District, Nakhonphanom Province. Information was collected during January to February 2020 using a structured questionnaire including general characteristics, self-care behaviors, and beliefs about diabetes. Global physical activity questionnaire was used to collect data of physical activity. HbA1c data was retrieved from the medical record of Nakae Hospital. Multiple logistic regression was performed to analyze the association of self-care behavior and the belief about diabetes with blood sugar level. Results: Eighty percent of the participants were female with an average age of 58.9 ± 9.7 years. They belonged to three different ethnic groups, namely 50.7% to the


Type 2 diabetic patients; ethnic; self-care behavior; beliefs about diabetes; glycemic control


Published by : Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
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