Numbers of research studies have revealed the potency of bioactive substances from Dendrobium spp. especially in East Asia. However, only limited information on detected bioactive compounds from the Thai Dendrobium hybrids, therefore, this research aimed to analyze the amount of some bioactive compounds, polysaccharides, and antioxidant activity from leaves, stems, roots, flowers and peduncles of 1- and 4-year-old Dendrobium ‘Sonia Jo Daeng’. The studies showed that the highest total phenolic compounds were found in the flowers of 1-year-old plants (7.23±0.80 mg GAE/g DW) followed by roots, flowers and leaves of 4-year-old plants (6.79±1.88, 6.63±0.67, and 6.07±0.62 mg GAE/g, respectively). The maximum anthocyanin level was found in the flowers of 1- and 4-year-old plants (13.28±2.09 and 10.21±6.35 mg/l, respectively). The polysaccharide was highest in flowers of 1-year-old plants (153.95±12.63 mg glucose/g polysaccharide). The highest antioxidant activity was found in the flowers of 1-year-old plants (6.12±0.52 mg trolox/g DW) as well as in roots of 4-year-old plants (5.89±1.31 mg trolox/g DW). The results indicated that antioxidant activities were related to amounts of total phenolic compounds, contents of anthocyanin and polysaccharides.
Dendrobium, phenolic, anthocyanin, antioxidant