Risk factors for falls among community-dwelling elderly people have been well reported in Western countries more so than in Asian countries, which could lead to overlooking differences in risk factors for falls between the two regions. Therefore, this systematic review aims to determine common risk factors of falling among communitydwelling elderly people in Asia. The online databases searched were Cochrane, CINAHL and MEDLINE. We searched for cohort studies, longitudinal studies, or systematic review conducted among elderly people living in Asia. A total of 11 studies included in this review matched the inclusion criteria for data analysis. Incidence of falls conducted in Asia ranged from 15%-26% and increased incidence of falls was found to increase with age , especially among females. In addition, risk factors for falls were categorized as either intrinsic or extrinsic, which commonly reported risk factors of falls including demographic factors, medical and health conditions, physical performance, physical activity, cognitive performance, fear of falling and environmental hazards. Some fall risk factors including specific pain (back, knee region), and sleep quality also referred to fall risk factors in Asia. These factors should be considered as one of the fall risk factors for fall risk screening in community-dwelling elderly people in Asia.
Risk factors, Falls, Community-dwelling, Older people, Asia