Centrorhynchus are an acanthocephalan parasite, also known as a thorny-headed worm, which infects many avian and
reptile species. They are dominated by hook-rows on their proboscis. However, microstructures and elemental profiles of the hooks
are unclear for this worm. The aims of this study were to report the ultrastructure and elemental deposition of hooks in C. cf.
aluconi collected from Chinese ratsnakes by using FESEM-EDX and TEM. Hook surfaces show narrow folds alternating with
grooves longitudinally. However, surfaces of proboscis were quite smooth. Ultrastructure of the hook layers consisted of the first
and second outer hook layers, and the first, second, and third inner layers. Hook surfaces are composed of sulfur (15.88 ± 3.01 of
weight %), calcium (6.03 ± 3.83), phosphorus (13.73 ± 2.89), and others. Inside hooks consist of sulfur (24.81 ± 4.36), calcium
(7.16 ± 1.59), phosphorus (11.86 ± 5.20), and others. Sulfur was predominant on the hook surface and the outer hook layer but not
in the inner layer. Calcium had a high composition in the inner layer. These results may offer important data for the identification
of C. aluconi and the understanding of the ultra-architecture and mineral profiles of hooks in this species.
cf. aluconi, thorny-headed worms, ultrastructure, elements
Published by : Prince of Songkla University Contributions welcome at : http://rdo.psu.ac.th
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