The length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of the Kissing Gourami (Helostoma temminckii) from
Sungai Batang River, Indonesia were investigated. The fish were collected using bamboo stage-trap, portable trap and hand
liftnet. A total of 120 males and 86 females (55-190 mm total length and 4-109 g weight) were analyzed using SPSS-16 software.
There was no significance difference in the total length between sexes (P>0.05). However, female had body depth, body weight,
the W/TL ratio and relative condition factor greater than male (P<0.05). About 27% of total catch falls within the range of 120-
129 mm TL. The heaviest catch (30.83%) weighed between 30 and 49 g. The W/TL ratio of H. temminckii female in the present
study was higher than H. temminckii species from other different geographical areas. The fish grew negatively allometric
(b=2.78-2.90). Outcomes of this study could be useful for fisheries management and conservation measures in this river.
allometric, Helostoma temminckii, length-weight, relative condition factor, Sungai Batang
Published by : Prince of Songkla University Contributions welcome at :
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