The Applied Element Method (AEM) is a numerical method of structural analysis. The degrees of freedom are located
at the centroid of an element, which is rigid. In AEM, many pairs of springs are provided on the faces of the element. Although the
AEM is very efficient, it is not popular due to the limited literature discussing stiffness matrix of AEM in detail. In this paper, the
formulation of the stiffness matrix for two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis by AEM is discussed. To improve the
accuracy of AEM, a simplified stiffness matrix is developed when an infinite number of springs is considered. The strains, stresses,
bending moment and shear forces are also derived. The efficiency of AEM is studied by solving a few conventional problems on
beams. Comparison of AEM with FEM is also done. The AEM could predict displacements, strains, stresses, bending moment,
shear force, natural frequency and mode shapes with reasonable accuracy.
applied element method, stiffness matrix, formulation, natural frequency, mode shape
Published by : Prince of Songkla University Contributions welcome at :
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