

Volume 16, No. 03, Month MAY, Year 2020, Pages 721 - 732

Physical properties and cooking qualities of local and commercial brown rice varieties in thailand

Sooksawat, N., Songkiawchoompol, K., Kruapoo, P. and Promsomboon, P.

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Commercial brown rice has a lot of varieties with different grain shapes and colors. The physical properties of rice grain are observed by eyes whereas the cooking qualities was tested by the consumers, milling machine adjustments and plant breeding improvemens. This research was reported 10 local and commercial brown rice varieties as Phraya Leumkaeng, Kaipa, Ngoa Lertin, Buekee, Khao Dawk Mali 105, Tubtimchumphae, Hommalideang, Sungyod, and Riceberry. The result showed that three local brown rice varieties of Kaipa, Ngoa Lertin, and Buekee showed short grains, medium shape, high sphericity, low grain expansion percentage or grain elongation percentage and water absorption percentage in comparison to other six commercial brown rice varieties of Khao Dawk Mali 105, Tubtimchumphae, Hommalideang, Sungyod, and Riceberry which were longer grains. The longest grain with slender shape was Khao Dawk Mali 105, and the second longest was Tubtimchumphae that showed the highest grain expansion and water absorption percentages. Phraya Leumkaeng sticky rice was the highest of grain width and thickness that resulted to over 100-grain weight and more grain elongation percentage after cooking. Organic and inorganic Khao Dawk Mali 105 rice showed different grain lengths. Organic Khao Dawk Mali 105 grains showed longer length than inorganic grains; although the shape, sphericity and cooking qualities like grain elongation percentage, grain expansion percentage and water absorption percentage.


Physical properties, Cooking qualities, Local brown rice, Commercial brown rice


Published by : Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA)
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