

Volume 14, No. 06, Month NOVEMBER, Year 2018, Pages 815 - 832

Hybrid performances and heterosis in sweet corn as grown under organic crop management in tropical highland climate.

Chozin, M., Sudjatmiko, S., Fahrurrozi, F., Setyowati, N. and Muktamar, Z.

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Significant variation among the genotypes were observed to be the most traits, except for kernel row number and soluble solids (°brix). There were 12 out of 28 hybrids exhibited better general performances over the better parent and check variety. The estimates of MPHs, BPHs, and EH for the plant growth traits exhibited undesirable direction on all crosses, vis. positive for plant height, negative for stalk diameter, and positive for taller ear height. The desired significant negative directions in MPH and EH were recorded on most of the hybrids for tasseling and silk dates. No significant BPH was found on all crosses for tasseling date and only several crosses for silking date. Significant positive MPH and BPH, but not EH, were found on six crosses and three crosses, respectively. The majority of crosses showed significant positive MPH and BPH for unhusked ear weight, but only several numbers for unhusked ear length and diameter, and weight. None of the crosses showed significant positive EH. Similar features of MPH, BPH, and EH were found for husked ear length, ear diameter, and ear weight, except seven and two crosses, indicated significant positive Eh for ear diameter and ear weight, respectively. No significant positive MPH, BPH, and EH on all crosses for kernel row number. For kernel number row-1 , a large number of crosses had significant positive MPH, but the lesser number had significant positive BPH and EH. Most of the crosses exhibited non-significant MPH, BPH, and EH for soluble solid content. These finding suggested that progress of sweet corn hybrid breeding for organic production in tropical highland climate could be expected from the heterosis exploitation of the ear traits.


organic sweet corn, F1 hybrids, mid-parent heterosis, better parent heterosis, economic heterosis


Published by : Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA)
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