

Volume 20, No. 03, Month SEPTEMBER, Year 2020, Pages 311 - 324

Renewable energy in kazakhstan: challenges and prospects

Gulmira Zharasbayevna Zhunussova, Svetlana Valerievna Ratner, Gulshat Zharasbayevna Zhunussova, Gulnara Zhagiparovna Nurmukhanova, Aigul Karbaevna Shaihutdinova

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The current state of RE development in Kazakhstan based on SWOT-analysis is studied in the article. The research results are as follows. The driver of RE development is the strategic planning of indicators; established regulatory and legal framework and open energy policy; the potential of RES resources; national production of solar cells; grants for full financing of research and development and partial financing of technology and equipment transfer for RES; consultations of foreign and domestic experts and specialists. The prospects of RE development in Kazakhstan should be linked to: the creation of a new pricing model in the electric power industry of Kazakhstan, involvement of small and medium business entities in the RE sector, creation of new or re-profiling the existing production of electrical equipment for the needs of all types of RES, the development of individual power consumption from RES, the strengthening of control over the fulfillment of obligations on construction and commissioning of RES facilities by various entities, the use of funds from the state budget; and over the achievement of targets by RE entities.


renewable energy, electricity, structure, production, consumption.


Published by : Asian Institute of Technology
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