Surging anthropogenic emissions are increasing the aerosol concentration in the atmosphere in
Delhi. During winter season temporal variability is at its peak which makes atmosphere rich in
toxic particles and noxious emissions. Due to atmospheric inversion pollutants get trapped in
the cold air and reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface. Dust storm
events make this problem more critical in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB, which incidentally is
also a host to the highest population density in India). Bio-mass burning, vehicular emissions,
stationary fossil fuel combustion, rubbish burning, in-situ particle formation and wind-blown
dust, all contribute to hazy conditions and visibility degradation. Visibility levels can be used
as a broad-based proxy for particulate air pollution. This review discusses the contributing
factors and resulting problems associated with haze formation in Delhi during winter. Recommendations
for further necessary study to understand the haze and its management are made.