The intensive use of farm chemicals in Thailand must be stemmed, if not stopped. In view of
the rural Thai cultural tradition where farmers followed their community leaders, this study
innovated a learning management model for community leaders in leading the transformation
from chemical to organic farming. The methodology of the study followed the educational
action research approach whereby a questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain the
situation of farm chemical uses in the Padeng community of Petchaburi province, Thailand
before a conceptual model was created. Data on the community leaders’ active learning processes,
outcomes and impacts were obtained by using observation forms, learning assessment tests
and interview schedules. Results revealed that the use of farm chemicals in the community was
extensive and bore impacts on household economy and health and the environment. The L-Lead
model that was synthesized from their learning processes comprised (1) preparing mind space
to absorb new things, (2) recognizing the problems with empirical evidences, (3) searching for
additional knowledge to strengthen problem-solving capacity, (4) pondering over the problems
as community leaders, (5) planning on leading the community to transform, (6) implementing
the community transformation plan, and (7) presenting the implementation results to intensify
the transformation. The leaders’ learning performances reflected the efficiency of the model
(80/83). Their evaluative knowledge and value status demonstrated positive change (p = 01)
while their leading action projects practically increased the number of households practicing
purely organic farming from 15 to 17%. Further study should focus on how to sustain and
widen the transformation.
Farming; Chemicals; Organic; Learning; Community leaders; Environment
Published by : Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment Contributions welcome at :
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