

Volume 43, No. 02, Month APRIL, Year 2016, Pages 68 - 75

Development of training program of drug information service for pharmacy students

Acharawan Topark-Ngarm, Somchai Suriyakrai

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Drug information service (DIS) training in content-based style cannot guarantee skill achievement of students. The concept of competency-based education is a new approach for training. This study was aimed to develop a competency-based DIS training program. The study composed of 3 phases; Phase 1: Synthesis of a pilot program by reviewing literature and document analysis, Phase 2: Survey of opinion on the proposed program using questionnaires to 12 qualified experts in Thailand, and Phase 3: Program improvement. In Phase 1, a competency-based DIS training program was designed comprising of 3 modules covering 7 steps of modified systematic approach used in DIS. Module1 included step 1 (secure demographics of requestor), step 2 (obtain background information) and step 3 (determine and categorize the ultimate question). Module 2 contained step 4 (develop strategy and conduct search), and step 5 (perform evaluation, analysis and synthesis). Module 3 included step 6 (formulate and provide response) and step 7 (conduct follow-up and documentation). Depending upon background knowledge and skill of students evaluated using diagnostic test before the training; the most appropriate modules could be chosen to match individual’s ability. Nine experts (75% response rate) provided suggestions toward the proposed training approach. Finally, the competency-based DIS training program was then developed according to experts’ suggestions. In conclusion, the educational approach emphasizing on competency-based style of training for DIS was constructed in this study. The program of training would guarantee achievement of skills required in performing the service.


Drug information service, competency-based training, pharmacy education, professional practice, pharmaceutical care


Published by : Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University
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