

Volume 44, No. 03, Month JULY, Year 2017, Pages 115 - 133

Outcomes-based approach to pharmacy curriculum review and redevelopment

M.C.C. Doria

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his study examines the process of curriculum review and redevelopment used in the Faculty of Pharmacy in the University of Santo Tomas. It provides the application of evidence-based principles in the systematic investigation of curriculum effectiveness. Data and information are gathered with a view to propose a five-year Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program reflecting an outcomes-based approach to curriculum development. Quantitative to triangulation research design method is employed in the study. Informal random and open-ended questions were answered by the respondents, consisting of the Faculty of Pharmacy administrators, faculty members, graduating B.S. Pharmacy students, and Pharmacy alumni, representing the different pharmaceutical sectors. The assessment and feedback identified the needs or gaps in the current curriculum of the existing four-year B.S. Pharmacy Program. Three (3) major areas of revision in the existing Pharmacy Curriculum were concluded as needed: (1) introduce students to the professional practice of pharmacy at the onset of their Pharmacy education, (2) provide opportunities for students to practice what they learn in real-life environments, and (3) integrate related courses to reduce duplication of materials and increase relevance between subjects.


learning outcomes, graduate attributes, curriculum, assessment, feedback


Published by : Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University
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