Reducing weight of plastic bottle help to reduce production costs, the plastic bottles become thinner due to less plastic content. Resulting in defects that occurs when the packaging light weight is carried in the filling line. In this research, the objectives are to do the risk analysis and assessment to evaluate the defects that might happen and to reduce the defects caused by the use of packaging light weight in the mouthwash filling process. The researcher used the principle of risk analysis and assessment, Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA) and Faced Central Composite (FCC) design of experiment to find the main factors and the appropriate settings to reduce defects that generated by the use of light weight mouthwash bottles in the filling process. The result of this research can reduce the percentage of defect causing by the use light weight packaging in filling process from 11% to 0.06% that mean the defects is decreased 99% in the filling process.
Bottle weight reduction, Closing torque, Risk analysis and assessment, Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA), Fishbone diagram, Design of Experiment(DOE), Faced Central Composite (FCC)