Tourism nowadays plays a key role in both macro and micro economics for many countries including Thailand. In this study, we particularly examine a new discipline gaining popular from multi-disciplinarians called tourism logistics, which deals with applying techniques proved successful from industrial/production logistics to service/tourism sector. Initially, we investigate factors that impact satisfaction of tourists traveling to Ubonratchathani province including tourist locations by collecting 202 samples and analyzed using mixed methods research, which evaluates data based on both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Next, by using information related to preferred locations initially analyzed from the first part, we further analyze travel routings based on the mathematical model of travelling salesman problem (TSP) under limited time and provide suggestions for optimal routes in Ubonratchathani province. The outcome from this study can expectedly be used to enhance an effectiveness of tourism-logistic management in the future.
Mixed methods research, Travelling salesman problem (TSP), Tourism logistics, Ubonratchathani province