1. New exponential passivity analysis of neutral system with time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations
Phichaya Suredee, Kanit Mukdasai
2. Some fixed point theorems for rn-contraction and rn kannan mappings in metric spaces
Thanatporn Bantaojai, Chatsuda Chanmanee, Patchara Muangkarn, Cholatis Suanoom
3. Diphenylbenzidine as a probe for determining antioxidant capacity of plant extracts
Aphiwat Kaewthong, Nopparat Kessiri, Napaporn Youngvises, Peera Acharasatian
4. Effect of drying temperature on the physical properties of binderless fiberboard from bagasse study of water absorption
Numan Luthfi, Xiulun Wang, Koji Kito, Sunardi
5. Comparative study of fatigue of asphalt concrete mixed with ac 60-70 and polymer modified asphalt binder
Panatda Kasikitwiwat, Krissana Jantarachot
6. Tunicate swarm algorithm-neural network for adaptive power system stabilizer parameter
Widi Aribowo, Supari Muslim, Bambang Suprianto, Subuh Isnur Haryudo, Joko
7. Development of vehicle chassis from novel materials for light weight electric shuttles using finite element analysis
Snunkhaem Echaroj, Nattadon Pannucharoenwong, Phadungsak Rattanadecho
8. Modelling the outlet of multi-chamber stormwater detention system
Darrien Yau Seng Mah, Johnny Ong King Ngu, Norazlina Bateni, Frederik Josep Putuhena
9. Influences of anisotropic undrained shear strengths of clays on pullout capacity of planar caissons
Suraparb Keawsawasvong , Jintara Lawongkerd
10. Leaf age-related acclimation in the photosynthetic capacity and fractional investments of leaf nitrogen in grapevines of different ages
Rawee Chiarawipa, Monsuang Rueangkhanab, Zhen Hai Han
11. Diatom-cyanobacterial biofilm formation and its effects on sediment stability under laboratory conditions
Chidchaya Chindanonda, Suriyan Saramul, Ajcharaporn Piumsomboon
12. Diversity of vascular plants in deciduous dipterocarp forest at thammasat university, lampang campus, lampang province, thailand
Janejaree Inuthai
13. Utilization of palm oil mill effluent for bio-extract production physical, chemical and microbial properties, and application to growth of chinese kale
Chanika Saenge Chooklin, Akom Khatfan, Kattinat Sagulsawasdipan
14. Molecular identification of fungal species causing brown circular leaf spot disease in seedlings of siamese rosewood (dalbergia cochinchinensis pierre ex laness)
Wuttiwat Jitjak, Waranyu Chairop, Niwat Sanoamuang
15. Measurement of normal diameter of optic nerve and optic nerve sheath using mri
Arvemas Watcharakorn, Sunicha Witayapiboon, Varalee Mingkwansook
16. Preliminary phytochemical analysis and the anti-diabetic effect of leaf extracts of symplocos cochinchinensis (lour.) moore ssp. laurina (retz.) nooteb. against a amylase and a glucosidase
Hai Trieu Ly, Vu Khanh Trang Le
17. Andrographolide increases cell viability and proliferation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Mintra Kaewkittikhun, Naruphong Phunikom, Pakpoom Kheolamai, Sirikul Manochantr, Chairat Tantrawatpan, Duangrat Tantikanlayaporn
18. The effects of sulfur, calcium, boron and zinc on leaf characteristics and fresh fruit bunch yield of oil palm (surat thani 2 var.) in acid sulfate soil
Nur Hidayah Mohd Taupik, Sarawut Rungmekarat, Pasajee Kongsil, Chalermpol Phumichai, Yaowamarn Keawsaard
19. Application of pyraclostrobin enhances growth, quality, and yield of tomato
Sureshkumar Mesara, Himanshu Mali, Chandni Shah, Hiren Dhameliya, Ramalingam Bagavathi Subramanian
20. Effect of inspiratory muscle warm-up on short-distance cycling performance
Supattra Silapabanleng, Narotsapol Boonkobkaew, Tharadon Singthongyam, Matinee Phangjaem, Vinitha Puengtanom, Worawee Nakpanom, Piriya Suwondit