1. Heat transfer augmentation in an inclined lid-driven triangular enclosure utilizing nanofluids in forced convection flows
Md. Masum Billah, Muhammad Sajjad Hossain, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Abdur Rashid
2. Effect of solvent extraction on phytochemical component and antioxidant activity of vine and rhizome ampelocissus martini
Luksamee Vittaya, Sutee Aiamyang, Juntra Ui-eng, Sunanta Khongsai, Nararak Leesakul
3. Determination of organochlorine pesticide and polychlorinated biphenyl as pops residues in freshwater animals in thailand during 2017-2018
Weerawut Wittayanan, Rattiyakorn Srikote, Thoranit Chaimongkol
4. Optimal feeding trajectory for an industrial sugar mill cogeneration plant
Wanwisa Skolpap, Kittiwut Kasemwong
5. Carcass characteristics, meat quality and eating quality of culled dairy cows
Jarunan Chainam, Yanin Opatpatanakit, Patthamawadi Kiatbenjakul, Rong-Shinn Lin, Siriporn Kiratikarnkul
6. Effects of light-emitting diode light irradiance levels on yield, antioxidants and antioxidant capacities of indigenous vegetable microgreens
Bhornchai Harakotr, Sophit Srijunteuk, Panumart Rithichai, Sompong Tabunhan
7. Relationships among characteristics of the wave-like pattern of ovarian follicular development in white lamphun cows
Punnawut Yama, Maslin Osathanunkul, Jakree Jitjumnong, Wilasinee Pirokad, Warittha U-krit, Warunya Chaikol, Tossapol Moonmanee
8. Molecular analysis of dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthase genes of plasmodium falciparum field isolates from afgoi and balad, southern somalia
Abdifatah Abdullahi Jalei, Wanna Chaijaroenkul