1. Economically correct secure economic dispatch embedding upfc investment costin a deregulated power market scenario
P. L. Singh, S. Ganesan, Sunita Singh
2. Optimal control strategy using pseudo-decentralization for coordination of power system stabilizer and facts ina multi-machine system
B. Kalyan Kumar, S. N. Singh, S. C. Srivastsava
3. Optimal placement of multi-type facts devices by simulated annealing approach
P. Bhasaputra, W. Ongsakul
4. Dynamic security margin estimation with preventive control using artificial neural networks
A. Sittithumwat, K. Tomsovic
5. Interior permanent magnet generator generator of new millennium
R. Dutta, F. Rahman
6. Robust decentralized design of h-based frequency stabilizer of smes
C. Vorakulpipat, M. Leelajindakrirerk
7. Fast tuning procedures for emergency controls using eigenvalue computations
G. Zhao, V. Venkatasubramanian
8. Oscillation reduction method of shaft torque which is associated with instantaneousvoltage drop for private generation system
A. Okazaki, G. Fujita, T. Nakano, K. Koyanagi, T. Funabashi, R. Yokoyama, T. Kakinoki
9. Stabilizing control of series capacitor power system using a superconducting magnetic energy storage unit under unequal-mode
A. Abu-Siada, S. Islam, W. B. Lawrance
10. Coordinated constrained optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract, balancing electricity and ancillary services markets
W. Ongsakul, K. Chayakulkheeree
11. Commercialising voltage regulation in nodal electricity spot markets
Seon Gu Kim, Hugh Outhred, Iain MacGill
12. A proposal for transmission pricing methodology in thailand based on exact loss contribution and long-run average incremental cost
W. Ongsakul, C. Adsoongnoen
13. Equilibrium prices in transmission constrained electricity markets non-linear pricing and congestion rents
Jeovani E. Santiago L?pez, Marcelino Madrigal
14. Trm quantification considering market and system uncertainties
Jun-Kyong Lee, Dong-Joon Shin, Hyo-Sang Lee, Jin-O Kim
15. The optimal power flow algorithm considering load power factor limits
Jong-Man Cho, Kwang-Wook Kim, Hyun-Soo Jung, Jin-O Kim
16. The study and development of scada system using artificial intelligence technique
P. Rattanakumpon, P. Prisuwanna
17. The application of bayes classifier in power system security assessment
Hyungchul Kim, Chanan Singh
18. A strategy for replacement of oil-cooled power transformer
P. K. Sen, S. Pansuwan
19. A survey on data model for obtaining power by using geographic information system (gis)
Romny OM, Heng Kunleang
20. Condition based monitoring concept for transformers and other network components using a web-based application
Jouni Pylv?n?inen, Sauli Antila, Kirsi Nousiainen, Petri Trygg
21. A decentralized optimization for risk based regional congestion management
Fu Rong, Ge Zhao-qiang, Li Yang, Tang Guo-qing
22. Auction-based dispatch algorithms in deregulated power systems
Garng M. Huang, Yishan Li
23. Ramp rate constrained unit commitment by improved adaptive lagrangian relaxation
W. Ongsakul, N. Petcharaks
24. Financing issues and options for renewable energy projects in south east asia
Romel M. Carlos, Alan Dale C. Gonzales, Sundar Venkatesh
25. A technical and economic analysis of heat and power generation from biomethanation of palm oil mill effluent
B. G. Yeoh
26. Chp (combined heat & power) regulation by the eu for facing the liberalised electricity market
Aviel Verbruggen
27. Environmental assessment of electricity production from rice husk a case study in thailand
T. Chungsangunsit, Shabbir H. Gheewala, S. Patumsawad
28. Environmental assessment of power generation from bagasse at a sugar factory in thailand
D. Janghathaikul, Shabbir H. Gheewala
29. La suerte rice mill cogeneration project a pilot case for the philippines
Alberto R. Dalusung III
30. Potential of distributed power generation from biomass residues in vietnam-status and prospect
Nguyen Le Truong, Tran Quang Cu
31. Meeting the challenges of high levels of micro-generating technologies connected to the distribution network
Forrest, D. Simon, A. Robin Wallace
32. Optimization of a pv with diesel-batterysystemfor remote villages
R. W. Wies, A. N. Agrawal, T. J. Chubb
33. Web- and event-based power quality monitoring systems provided by application service provisioning model
Sauli Antila, Ville-Petteri Lampo, Antti M?kinen, Pertti J?rventausta
34. Interconnection of distributed generators and their influences on power system
Vu Van Thong, Johan Driesen, Ronnie Belmans
35. A new method for separating utility and customer harmonic contribution at the point of common coupling
Noraliza Hamzah, Azah Mohamad, Aini Hussain
36. Developing future substation automation strategies selecting appropriate ieds and developing new applications
Mladen Kezunovic, Tomo Popovic
37. Web based energy audit and accounting software for power distribution utilities
R. P. Gupta, A. K. Khastagir
38. An assessment of the cost effectiveness of a dsm program in the southern part of thailand
T. Arunthanakit, C. Sorapipatana
39. Power sector reforms and residential energy efficiency programs
Alix Clark, Romeo Pacudan
40. A probabilistic analysis of transmission right valuation under market uncertainty
Haibin Sun, Shi-Jie Deng, A.P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George Cokkinides, George Stefopoulos, Timothy D. Mount
41. Development of optimal bidding strategies for generation companies in electricity markets based on fuzzy set theory
Fushuan Wen, Li Ma, Yixin Ni, Felix F. Wu
42. Electricity market design and the impactof supply and demand shocks experiences from the nord pool system
Lars Bergman
43. Joint energy and reserves auction with opportunity cost payment for reserves
Shmuel Oren, Ramteen Sioshans
44. Assessment parameters for coal-fired generation plant site selection
Ahmad Rosly Abbas, Low K. S., Ir. Mohd Noh Ahmad, Chan, J. H., Sasekumar, A., Fauza Abdul Ghaffar, Kharulmaini Osman Salleh, John K. R., Abdul Yamin Saad, Wan Aida Wan Zahari, Phua, Y. T., Phua, Y. N., Wong, Y. Y., Ir. Mashitah Jamaludin, Mohd Nor Mohammed, Shaari Jaafar, Phoon Hee Yau
45. Climate and weather uncertainty in the electricity industry
S. Parkpoom, G. P. Harrison, J. W. Bialek
46. Large scale power exchangein the greater mekong subregion
H. S. Woldstad, T. Holtedahl, G. L. Doorman
47. Nam theun 2 sustainable energyfor south east asia
T. Bumrungsap, L. Delplanque
48. A review of experience with commercialising and regulating network services in the australian electricity industry
Hugh Outhred
49. Assessment of barriers and implementationstrategies for dsm programs inrestructured indian electricity scenario a case of rajasthan power sector
S. Vashishtha, M. Ramachandran
50. A transitional esi model for developing country
S. Nirukkanaporn, S. Chirarattananon
51. Australian electricity reform the ownership debate
Deepak Sharma
52. Collaboration to facilitate research and education in a transitioning electric power industry
Dennis Ray, Frank Wayno
53. How effective power market reform depends upon gas market reform in the asia pacific region
Jeffrey Skeer
54. Power sector reform in vietnam
Nguyen Quang Dung, Pham Minh Hung
55. Transition to an electricity market in thailand a case for asian developing countries
N. Leeprechanon, A. K. David