1. Where are the limits of cost-effectiveness analysis and health technology assessment?
Anthony J Culyer
2. Guidelines for health technology assessment in thailand (second edition)-the development process
Usa Chaikledkaew, Kankamon Kittrongsiri
3. Defining the scope of health technology assessment and types of health economic evaluation
Pimwara Tanvejsilp, Surachat Ngorsuraches
4. Measurement of costs for health economic evaluation
Arthorn Riewpaiboon
5. Measurement of health outcomes
Montarat Thavorncharoensap
6. Systematic review and network meta-analysis in health technology assessment
Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk, Surasak Saokaew, Rosarin Sruamsiri, Piyameth Dilokthornsakul
7. Measurement of utility
Montarat Thavorncharoensap
8. Handling time in economic evaluation studies
Unchalee Permsuwan, Kansinee Guntawongwan, Piyaluk Buddhawongsa
9. Sensitivity analysis for handling uncertainty in an economic evaluation
Supon Limwattananon
10. Budget impact analysis
Pattara Leelahavarong
11. Presentation of economic evaluation results
Usa Chaikledkaew
12. Social and ethical analysis in health technology assessment
Sripen Tantivess
13. A way forward for the evaluation of health technologies for infectious diseases
Pritaporn Kingkaew
14. Economic evaluation of screening for disease
Naiyana Praditsitthikorn
15. The economic evaluation of medical devices: challenges
Pritaporn Kingkaew, Yot Teerawattananon
16. Constructing a state-transition model for an economic evaluation of cancer treatments
Chulaporn Limwattananon, Supon Limwattananon
17. Quality assessment of health economic evaluation
Usa Chaikledkaew, Kankamon Kittrongsiri
18. Application of hta research on policy decision-making
Sitaporn Youngkong
19. Standard cost lists for health economic evaluation in thailand
Arthorn Riewpaiboon