1. Ethnic storage strategies adopted by farmers of tirunelveli district of tamil nadu southern peninsular india
Kiruba, S., Jeeva, S., Kanagappan, M., Stalin, I.S. and Das, S.S.M. –

2. National dissemination of integrated pest management technology through farmers field schools in indonesia was it successful
Mariyono, J.

3. Assessment of participation in conception and adoption response to undp aquaculture projects in lagos state nigeria
Mohhamed, E.D. and Lanre, O.A.

4. Design and development of a three-point hitch dynamometer
Alimardani, R., Fazel, Z., Akram, A., Mahmoudi, A. and Varnamkhasti, M.G.

5. Moisture-depend physical properties of wheat (triticum aestivum l.)
Kheiralipour, K., Karimi, M., Tabatabaeefar, A., Naderi, M., Khoubakht, G. and Heidarbeigi, K

6. Development of 11 mass models for iranian apricot fruits based on some physical attributes (cv. shahroud-8 and gheysi-2)
Naderiboldaji, M., Jannatizadeh, A., Tabatabaeefar, A. and Fatahi, R

7. Energy use and economical analysis of wheat production in iran a case study from ardabil province
Shahan, S., Jafari, A., Mobli, H., Rafiee, S. and Karimi, M.

8. The new antagonistic fungus emericella nidulans strain en against fusarium wilt of tomato
Sibounnavong, P., Cynthia, C.D., Kanokmedhakul, S. and Soytong, K.

9. Some species of wild boletes in thailand
Seehanan, S and Petcharat, V

10. Anti-fungal evaluation of some plant extracts against some plant pathogenic field and storage fungi
Mohana, D. C. and Raveesha, K. A.

11. First report of pineapple root rot caused by pythium graminicola
Pornsuriya, C., Wang, H.K., Lin, F.C. and Soytong, K

12. Antifungal activity of a known medicinal plant mimusops elengi l. against grain moulds
Satish, S., Raghavendra, M.P., Mohana, D.C. and Raveesha, K.A.

13. Micro propagation and field evaluation of strawberry in bangladesh
Biswas, M.K., Islam, R. and Hossain, M.

14. Application of gibberellic acid (ga3) in dosage for three hybrid rice seed production in the philippines
Gavino, B.R., Pi, Y. and Abon Jr., C.C.

15. Callus induction and plantlet regeneration in abelmoschus esculentus (l.) moench
Kabir, A.H., Sarker, K.K., Sharmin, S.A., Islam, M.S. and Alam, M.F.

16. Leaf elongation rate agronomic traits and grain yield of three transplanted rice genotypes
Wiangsamut, B. and Mendoza, T.C.

17. Allelopathic effects of sunflower (helianthus annuus) on germination and growth of wild barley (hordeum spontaneum)
Ashrafi, Z.Y., Sadeghi, S., Mashhadi, H.R. and Hassan, M.A. –